

Wikiport is a Wikipedia-like application designed to let users post and share Markdown wikis. Users can sign up for a free account to post and edit public wikis. Users can also upgrade to a Premium Account which allows them to create private wikis and add other users as collaborators. Wikiport was built with Ruby on Rails.


Ruby, Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Git


The goal of this project was to build an application modeled after Wikipedia to practice and demonstrate my proficiency building CRUD applications with Ruby on Rails. It was created according to user stories provided in the Bloc Full Stack Developer curriculum.

Wikiport features user authentication via the robust Devise gem and authorization using the Pundit gem. Guest users can read through public wikis. Users can sign up for a free account to be able to edit and create their own public wikis. Users can upgrade to a Premium Account which allows them to create private wikis and add other users as collaborators. Wikiport integrates secure payments using the Stripe API.


Sign Up View:

Users can either sign up to create a new free account to start creating and editing wikis or they can sign in with their existing account.

Sign In View:

Once a user is logged in they will be directed to the public wikis index view where they can browse, edit, or create a new wiki. Users can logout by clicking the “Sign Out” button in the top right. Logging out destroys the user session.

Public Wikis index:

Once a user signs in they can view all of their wikis by clicking on My Wikis. From there, they will be able to view their public wikis, their private wikis and any private wikis for which they are a collaborator.

My Wikis view:

Mobile Responsive Design:

Wikiport has a simple, modern, mobile responsive design optimized for users on any size devise.


This project allowed me to demonstrate foundation programming and web development skills using Ruby on Rails and RESTful MVC architecture.


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GitHub Repo

Wikiport repo